Higher Quality, Not Higher Quantity

**Our honesty policy: This post may contain affiliate links and I may be compensated if you make a purchase at no extra cost to you. Some are, some aren't--I do some comparison shopping. The important thing is you will know exactly what we are talking about. Drop a note/comment if you have any questions on the products as these are materials and tools we use on our own projects.

The saying goes, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all." Never fear, I have lots of nice things to say! However, there is a change in the world and regularly scheduled activities must be reassessed and adjust accordingly.The saying goes, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”

Never fear, I have lots of nice DIY things to share with you!

However, there have been changes in the world and regularly scheduled activities must be reassessed and adjusted accordingly:

  • What has not changed: Your time is valuable. Your continued readership is not taken for granted. I very much appreciate each and every one of you! This is always #1 and will continue to be so.
  • If you choose to read one of my posts, it should be worthy of your time. I refuse to share less than top quality posts with full on descriptions and magazine quality pictures (at least my attempt when the subject allows). A slapped together post will not do.
  • That Alfred DB2 video was a game changer. AKA videos are a LOT of fun, but also a LOT of work and the learning curve is still steep (Spoiler Alert: I used 2 new phone apps on my next video and for those of you who know me, trying out phone apps is NOT my thing. Spoiler Alert #2: that photo of espresso in the appointed Easter egg Poppy’s Pumpkin Patch mug might be using one of those phone apps…).
  • If you choose to watch one of my videos, it should be worthy of your time. I refuse to share less than top quality videos with full on descriptions and magazine quality pictures (at least my attempt when the subject allows). A slapped together (or boring) video will not do.
  • When it takes one month to create an engineer’s perspective of a fun video (again, the Alfred DB2 video)…that isn’t sustainable on a one post and video a week schedule. The related 6,000+ word/39 photos post was a beast too.
  • There is not enough espresso to make up for hours worked into the night.
  • I have an opportunity to keep my little girls from being a part of the problem in the spread of COVID-19, and still have an opportunity to build a business online through this blog and YouTube.

I am very thankful for this time at home. This is an opportunity I’m not going to let slide. It is going to happen.

Just at a slower pace for the blog.

So for the near term you’ll see a post every other week, now coming on Tuesdays. The videos will continue to come out every week, now on Fridays. The day change is to spread out the information across the week instead of a 1-2 back-to-back day punch. Again, your time is valuable and valued!

Thanks again for your support.

Be safe and stay well!

*Just in case you haven’t subscribed, head on over to the YouTube channel and check out the improving DIY goodness going on there. Consider subscribing so you don’t miss your weekly dose.

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