Espresso Machine Steam Wand Issues? Vinegar Might be the Answer!

Do you have an espresso machine with a milk frother / steam wand that leaks like a fire hose? Or perhaps, the opposite, where the milk frother / steam wand clogged up and no...

Concrete is Porous! Testing Leaks Below Slab Foundations

Concrete is porous. I claimed water could make it’s way through a slab foundation in my old post: 12 Ways to Detect a Supply Plumbing Leak Under a Slab Foundation But how long would...

More Whole House Water Monitor + Shutoff Goodness

A lot has been going on in the background here. No, I’m not backing off from Alfred coverage–I still have a few more posts/videos to go, and likewise on the door series, because I...

Alfred DB1 vs Alfred DB2: The Differences

Are you trying to decide between an Alfred DB1 or Alfred DB2 smart lock for your front door? This post will explain ALL the differences between these two smart locks. Disclaimer: Alfred sent me...

How to Sand Paint on a Front Door [Repaint/Refinish]

This article covers the basics and finer details on how to sand paint on a front door when refinishing / repainting. Specifically, this documents how we completed this step on our fiberglass front door,...

Alfred DB1 First Look [Alfred DB1 Review]

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed living with the Alfred DB2. I absolutely love it–turning the mundane task of opening my front door into a classy experience. However, I recently had the opportunity to try out an...

How to Sand Primer on a Front Door [Repaint/Refinish]

This article covers the basics and finer details on how to sand primer on a front door when refinishing / repainting. Specifically, this documents how we completed this step on our fiberglass front door,...

Eliminate Cracks in Tiled Wall Corners: Caulk vs Grout

Have you discovered cracks in the corners of your showers and/or bathtub surround? You most likely have grout in the corners and, instead of grout you should have caulk. End of post! Shortest post...

Consider This Before Buying a Child Porch Swing Set

Installing a kid swing seat on your front or back porch can be a welcome distraction during your shelter-in-place and/or social distancing. This post is a pre-purchase checklist to make sure a child’s porch...